A business interacts with a multitude of players in a variety of ways. The contract is the preferred tool to frame relationships and to establish reliable partnerships. It is in a way the reflection of your future. Whether it is to protect the parties’ interests through a well-crafted confidentiality agreement or to ensure the longevity of an agreement with an important supplier through a straightforward service contract, BNA can help you draft, negotiate and sign a multitude of agreements.


Many businesses benefit greatly from financing provided by public, private or semi-private investors. Whether it is in the form of a loan, debenture, equity or otherwise, the BNA team is familiar with the
processes involved and will assist you through the steps to obtain the funding that will allow you to propel your projects.


The life of a business is rarely linear and one that develops to its full potential will often be approached by ambitious buyers. It could also be that you are ready to sell the fruits of your labour or
to merge your business with another to evolve towards an advantageous corporate and economic structure. If you ever wish to acquire a promising target, the team BNA will accompany you in the steps leading to its purchase. In all cases, these transactions represent an important step for you and BNA is committed to advise you towards a structured and efficient transition.


In the hustle and bustle of day-to-day business, documenting the decisions made and directions given to the business’ activities can be demanding. The minute book is part of your business’ DNA; it is a valuable tool for every incorporated corporation. It is with complete confidence that you can mandate BNA to draft and manage these documents. Moreover, we can assist you in all stages of the creation of your corporation. For the drafting of a customized shareholders’ agreement or its review so that it conforms to the reality of your business and the shareholders in place, you can count on us.


Good governance of a business by its directors and managers begins with an understanding of each and everyone’s obligations and responsibilities. BNA will help you understand each player’s role within your business and assist you in making decisions when it comes to complying with the law.


In order to foster a business relationship, each party must work in its own interest, but also in the interest of the other party. Sometimes, however, these interests are so divergent that they seem difficult to reconcile. However, it is still possible to find common ground. BNA can help you undo the knots of a seemingly inextricable situation, but from which both parties will benefit.


BNA’s greatest strength is knowing how to accompany its clients with their daily needs as would an in-house counsel. In other words, we like to be in the thick of the action with you!

By having a global vision of your objectives, we can analyze the situations your business is facing. This allows us to consider the stakes that your decisions will entail in the short, medium and long term. If convenient, it is natural for us to work with several members of your team at once to take advantage of everyone’s skills and to handle each matter at once.